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Newberg Onion


Allium cepa

Days to Maturity: 110-120 for fully mature bulbs

Newberg Onion is a storage variety selected for its superior flavor and long-keeping ability. Peel is thick and copper colored, and necks are tight. The taste is hot so you don't need as many onions to season a dish as mild types. This seed was dehybridized by organic seed breeder Dr. Alan Kapular in Corvallis, OR.

Planting Instructions: In spring, sow onion seeds outdoors 1/4" deep, 2" apart and keep moist until germinated. Thin to 6" apart. Or start indoors in later winter and transplant outside in spring. May also be planted in August in areas with mild winters.

Seed Saving Instructions: Choose plants to allow to flower & seed. Beautiful white umbel seedheads will form. Collect black onion seeds when fully dry and they easily fall into your hand. Store in a cool, dark and dry location in a paper or mesh bag.


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Allium cepa

Days to Maturity: 110-120 for fully mature bulbs

Newberg Onion is a storage variety selected for its superior flavor and long-keeping ability. Peel is thick and copper colored, and necks are tight. The taste is hot so you don't need as many onions to season a dish as mild types. This seed was dehybridized by organic seed breeder Dr. Alan Kapular in Corvallis, OR.

Planting Instructions: In spring, sow onion seeds outdoors 1/4" deep, 2" apart and keep moist until germinated. Thin to 6" apart. Or start indoors in later winter and transplant outside in spring. May also be planted in August in areas with mild winters.

Seed Saving Instructions: Choose plants to allow to flower & seed. Beautiful white umbel seedheads will form. Collect black onion seeds when fully dry and they easily fall into your hand. Store in a cool, dark and dry location in a paper or mesh bag.


Newberg Onion

Newberg Onion
