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Showing 19 products
Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 50 (flower), 100 (seed) A mixture of amaranths used to re-vegetate barren areas of land, grow as animal forage or replace noxious weeds. Regionally-adapted to Colorado/Four Corners. Does not need to be watered after seeds...
Zea mays Days to Maturity: 120-140 This gorgeous rainbow blue corn is a landrace flour/grinding corn stemming from ancestral puebloan ancestry around the southwest as well as other blue corns (Rio Grande and Oaxacan Blue). Rainbow colors (blues, reds, yellows...
Triticum aestivum Days to Maturity: 100-120 A diverse open-pollinated wheat breeding mix. Select which varieties thrive in your climate and soil to re-plant the next season. Drought tolerant, cold tolerant, hardy and easy to grow! Seeds sourced from Rocky Mountain...
Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 30 (edible leaves), 50 (flower), 100 (seed) A mixture of white, orange and red amaranths cultivated for edible grain. Seedheads grow to an impressive 1-2 feet in length, bursting with grains! Amaranth is a dual-purpose...
Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare and Secale cereale Days to Maturity: 90 Our Hulless Grains Mix is a mixture of Hulless Wheat, some Hulless Barley and a touch of Hulless Rye -- a perfect mix for baking. This gorgeous mixture of...
Zea Mays Days to Maturity: 75-90 Painted Mountain Corn is a grinding flour (masa) corn bred in Montana for short season growing. High genetic resilience and early production makes this corn a hardy mainstay. We love Painted Mountain for its...
Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 30 (edible leaves), 50 (flower), 100 (seed) Golden Giant Amaranth is a tall, gorgeous bright orange/golden amaranth cultivated for edible grain. Seedheads grow to an impressive 1-2.5 feet in length, bursting with grains! Amaranth is...
Zea Mays Days to Maturity: 120-140 (plant in late April-mid May) Gorgeous rainbow native flour/grinding corn. A landrace of many native corns bred together over 10+ years: Hopi blue, Millenium, Oaxacan green dent, Oaxacan blue, Hopi pink, Navajo Robin's Egg...
Sorghum bicolor Days to Maturity: 105 Black Milo Sorghum stalks grow to 6 feet tall, with a beautiful spray of shiny black seedheads on top. An early grain variety (not a syrup variety). Drought tolerant. A good feed and silage...
Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 50 (flower), 100 (seed) Bright maroon flowers are used to dye Hopi piki bread, and will add beauty to any garden! Maroon leaves are add a bright splash to salads. Hopi Red Dye Amaranth grain...
If cost is a barrier to you planting this corn, please contact us! Limit 2 packets per person Zea Mays Days to Maturity: 120-140 (plant in late April to mid-May) This is our first-year selection of the slime trait...
Zea mays Days to Maturity: 75-85 days An open-pollinated sweet corn variety that is bred by traditional plant breeder Jonathan Spreo in Oregon to be even sweeter and productive with 2 ears per plant. It has long, slender ears (~8...
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