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Eruca vesicaria Days to Maturity: 40-50 Arugula is a trusty, vigorous mustard green with a kick! A delightful addition to salads or as a braising green in stir-fries or soups. Arugula sprouts up fast, is shade tolerant and has low...
Lactuca sativa Days to Maturity: 40-60 Our all-time favorite lettuce! Adapted to the Colorado Rocky Front Range & Southwestern Colorado for the past decade. Hardy, crispy, and amusingly spotted looseleaf. Selected for drought, heat and cold tolerance. Originally from John...
Lactuca sativa Days to Maturity: 50-60 Anuenue Lettuce is the best heat-tolerant lettuce we've found! Slow-bolting, heading lettuce remains crisp and tender for months. A great choice for extending your lettuce eating days into the mid-summer heat. Try harvesting Anuenue...
Lactuca sativa Days to Maturity: 40-60 Gourmet Salad Lettuce Mix is a mixture of our favorite lettuce varieties perfect for gourmet salads. Plant every month and harvest young to cut-and-come-again. Colorado adapted. Includes Spotty Troutback, Anuenue, Black Seeded Simpson, Red...
Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 50 (flower), 100 (seed) A mixture of amaranths used to re-vegetate barren areas of land, grow as animal forage or replace noxious weeds. Regionally-adapted to Colorado/Four Corners. Does not need to be watered after seeds...
Brassica napus Days to Maturity: 60-70 This resilient kale landrace has a wide genetic diversity which allows it to thrive in varying climates, soils & conditions. Cold hardy-- plant in early spring before frost through early summer, and again in...
Beta vulgaris Days to Maturity: 60-70 Taste the rainbow! This gorgeous Swiss Chard has stems in hot pink, yellow, orange, light pink and more. Stems and leaves are tender, crunchy and quenching stems. Vigorous and easy to grow even in...
Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 30 (edible leaves), 50 (flower), 100 (seed) A mixture of white, orange and red amaranths cultivated for edible grain. Seedheads grow to an impressive 1-2 feet in length, bursting with grains! Amaranth is a dual-purpose...
Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 30 (edible leaves), 50 (flower), 100 (seed) Golden Giant Amaranth is a tall, gorgeous bright orange/golden amaranth cultivated for edible grain. Seedheads grow to an impressive 1-2.5 feet in length, bursting with grains! Amaranth is...
Atriplex hortensis Days to Maturity: 45 We love the bright purple & magenta colors of Purple Orach, a leafy, cold-hardy green related to lambsquarters. Similar to spinach, leaves are wonderful sauteed, cooked in soups, or eaten raw on salads....
Brassica juncea Days to Maturity: 45 Komatsuna is a Japanese Mustard that tastes and is eaten like spinach. It is mild, tender and crunchy like spinach without the bite and bitterness of typical mustard greens. Try raw on salads, fermented,...
Brassica carinata Days to Maturity: 20 (delicious baby leaves), 60 (maturity), 90 (seed) It's a giant! Seed heads tower to over 7 feet tall. Delicious, non-bitter leaves retain great, mild flavor throughout the season. Ethiopian Kale seeds can be pressed...
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