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Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 30 (edible leaves), 50 (flower), 100 (seed) This vigorous amaranth sprang up in the germination test, with 100% of seeds sprouting in just 2 days! A tall variety that can grow to 9 feet in...
Zea Mays Days to Maturity: 120-140 (plant in late April to mid-May) Gorgeous rainbow native flour/grinding corn. A landrace of many native corns bred together over 10+ years: Hopi blue, Millenium, Oaxacan green dent, Oaxacan blue, Hopi pink, Navajo Robin's...
Zea Mays Days to Maturity: 75-80 Painted Hills Corn is a stabilized cross of Painted Mountain Flour Corn and Luther Hill Sweet Corn, bred by Alan Kapuler of Peace Seeds in Oregon. High genetic resilience and early production makes this...
Zea mays Days to Maturity: 100-110 Cassiopeia Popcorn was bred for its early maturity, high number of ears per plant and larger ear size, and its gorgeous multicolored hues. Here we bring you a selection of bronze, caramel & red...
Zea mays Days to Maturity: 120-140 (plant in late April- mid May) This corn is a selection from our Rainbow Corn Landrace. We selected for speckled kernels and tie-dye kernels with multiple colors in each kernel! It will keep you...
Eragrostis tef Days to Maturity: 100-110 Teff is one of the earliest domesticated plants on earth! Hailing from Ethiopia, this lovegrass species has been a staple crop in Africa for thousands of years. One of the most nutrient-dense foods on...
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