Capsicum annuum
Days to Maturity: 70-80 from transplant
A long, skinny, deep red chile, San Felipe pepper has medium-hot heat, about 10,000-30,000 Scoville units depending on growing conditions. Fantastic flavor! About 3-4" in length. These peppers are from San Felipe Pueblo in New Mexico, a drought tolerant landrace.
Original seeds obtained from Native Seeds/SEARCH in Arizona. Grown by Groundwork in Paonia, CO.
Planting Instructions: Start San Felipe Pepper seeds indoors under lights 3-6 weeks before last spring frost. Transplant after all danger of frost has passed, spaced 2' apart. Keep soil slightly moist but do not overwater.
Seed Saving Instructions: Use gloves to avoid burning skin! Remove San Felipe chile seeds from the tastiest, fully mature fruit. Or use a blender with a very low setting-- place fruits with plenty of water and slowly blend. Strain out seeds. Dry seeds on a screen or cloth. Store seeds in a paper or mesh bag in a cool, dark and dry location.
Approx 30 San Felipe Pepper seeds per packet