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Showing 35 products
Calendula officinalis Days to Maturity: 60-70 Calendula is a beautiful medicinal flower ideal for salves, oil and tinctures. It soothes and heals wounds, cuts & scrapes. This calendula is a mixture of yellow and orange single blossoms and some double...
Ipomoea purpurea Days to Maturity: 75 Morning glories are our favorite flowers! This mix includes Grandpa Ott's classic purple flower with glowing white interior, with some surprising glorious pink blossoms. Morning glory vines grow 12+ feet tall! Enjoy continuous blossoms...
Antirrhinum majus Days to Maturity: 120 A colorful rainbow of hardy snapdragons, including red, white, peach, yellow & pink blooms. These annual flowers are quite drought tolerant, though they thrive with an occasional extra mid-summer watering. They are also cold-tolerant...
Cosmos sulphureus Days to Maturity: 60-80 What a bright and cheery member of your garden! A member of the Sulphur Cosmos species, Tango boasts scarlet orange blooms that attract pollinators including butterflies. The petals are semi-double. Plants grow to 4...
Antirrhinum majus Days to Maturity: 120 A colorful mix of hardy snapdragons, including yellow, pink, red, peach and white flowers. These annual flowers are quite drought tolerant, though they thrive with an occasional extra mid-summer watering. They are also cold-tolerant...
Zinnia elegans Days to Maturity: 60-70 A lovely blend of easy-to-grow, pink & red blooms to beautify any garden. One of the best cut flowers: they just keep blooming and blooming, right up until the fall frost! Bees & butterflies...
Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 50 (flower), 100 (seed) Bright maroon flowers are used to dye Hopi piki bread, and will add beauty to any garden! Maroon leaves are add a bright splash to salads. Hopi Red Dye Amaranth grain...
Oenothera biennis Days to Maturity: Bienniel - takes 2 years to bloom Yellow Evening Primrose is a beautiful yellow wildflower native to North America. Tall stalks grow to 3-5 feet with new blooms from summer until first frost. Bees and...
Amaranthus cruentus Days to Maturity: 30 (edible leaves), 50 (flower), 100 (seed) This vigorous amaranth sprang up in the germination test, with 100% of seeds sprouting in just 2 days! A tall variety that can grow to 9 feet in...
Centaurea cyanus Days to Maturity: 75-85 A purple natural dye plant! Bachelor's Button is also known as coneflower. A beautiful, bright, easy to grow annual. Drought tolerant and enjoys full sun. We love these stunning dark purple flowers! Fun fact:...
Ratibida columnifera Days to Maturity: 90-120 days Mexican Hat is a native wildflower named for its unique, sombrero shape from petals that droop downward around a tall, central cone. This drought-tolerant, low-maintenance perennial grows up to 2-3 feet tall and...
Salpiglossis sinuata Days to Maturity: 100-110 We can't get over how gorgeous these annuals are! Painted Tongue's trumpet-shaped blooms burst in a warm rainbow of colors including light and dark fuchsia, oranges, yellows, pinks and purples. The stripes on its...
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